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Jan Walker

The other day, while watching a livestream church service, I was preparing to receive communion, as I have done most days during this "prophetic pause." I broke off a piece of matzoh and took out a small cordial glass I like to use for this purpose. I set the matzoh on a plate and poured some grape juice into the glass. As is my usual custom, I filled it about halfway. I turned my attention back to the livestream as the pastor began to speak about the significance of the elements. I always love to hear the story. My favorite part is when Jesus told His disciples to remember Him whenever they partook of this meal.

I looked back at my little portion of matzoh and the glass, and Holy Spirit prompted me to pour some more juice into the glass. Unusual, I thought, but I poured a little more. Maybe three-quarters full this time. "More," He said. So I smiled and poured in a little more. It's a very small glass. Then I sensed Holy Spirit saying, "Fill it up to the top. You want the fullness." "Well, of course I do!" I thought, and carefully filled the glass up to the rim. Or so I thought. Once again, I heard, "There's room for more." So I added one final dab that hovered just barely above the top of the rim. I wondered how I would even lift up the cup without it spilling.

Then I heard, "Now, pour in more until it overflows."

The livestream was lost to me. I was having a live encounter with the Lord. The significance of what He was asking me to do flooded my heart. I poured. And as I watched the liquid overflow the tiny glass, I felt my spirit leap inside me.

"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]."

John 10:10 (AMP)

I received (or should I say 'achieved') communion in a whole new way that day. The Lord who wanted to be remembered gave me something to remember as well. He showed me that I – that we – are meant to live in the overflow. It was never His intention or design for us to settle for half full.

And now, every time I receive communion, I'll celebrate that reminder and embrace the extravagant fullness of His love.

Lord, thank You for showing up in my kitchen to remind me that there's always room for more. More joy. More love. More provision. More revelation. More peace. Forgive me for sometimes putting You in a box and settling for the limits I place on myself, for looking at my circumstances and not at You. Thank You for always being more than enough. And then some!

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