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Jan Walker

We live in a chaotic world. There are days when we’re so overwhelmed, it’s all we can do to keep our head up and press on. Have you been there lately? Those are the days when it can be hard to stay focused. Days when we lose sight of the One who is just a prayer away.


But how can we pray when we can’t even think… when it’s difficult to string a sentence together?


At its essence, prayer is simply conversation and connection with God, our good and loving Father. Just as any good dad craves interaction with his children, the Lord is always listening for and attentive to our prayers, no matter how short or simple they may be.


Jesus himself said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”


So, when things get hectic, keep it simple. He understands.


A friend of mine was on her way out the door to go to work one morning. Her mind was on the demands of her day and she took a minute to send up this simple prayer:


Jesus, I give to you today

All I shall think and do and say.


That was it! It’s a prayer she learned in school as a young child. The nun who taught it to her had been taught the same prayer when she was a child. Its simplicity stands the test of time… even now, 70 years later.


Often people are reluctant to pray because they feel they can’t express themselves before God as well as they would like to. But prayer doesn’t need to be elaborate or eloquent, sometimes simple prayers are the best.


“When you pray, don't talk on and on as people do who don't know God. They think God likes to hear long prayers.” – Matthew 6:7 (CEV)


Just say what you need to say to the Lord, and don’t worry about trying to impress him with your delivery. What really captures His attention is your earnest, heartfelt plea… your desire to come to Him for answers or help.


“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7


So come to Him like a little child in those overwhelming moments. Take a deep breath, let it out, then pour out your heart to Him simply and freely. And if all you can manage to say is “Help, Jesus…” well, that’s okay too. He hears. He knows.


Rest in His love. He is always with you. No matter how complex your life might be, the simple solution is your simple prayer.


Father God,

Thank You that we can come to you anytime. Thank You that You are always there for us, even when we’ve lost sight of You in the swirl of our anxious moments, jumbled thoughts and pressing needs. Thank You for making it easy for us to reconnect with you. Thank You for hearing us and for giving us Your hope, Your peace and Your unending love. Amen.

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Jan Walker

 Not long ago, I woke up hearing the words, “Fasten yourself to the Lord.”


As I pondered the meaning of that statement, the weight of it began to settle over me. It was not a suggestion. It was a necessity. Fasten yourself to the Lord. He is our only stability.


To fasten is to seize and hold onto; to combine or become joined together; to unite closely in any manner and by any means. That’s how close he wants us. And the urgency of the hour requires an immediate response. We must be ready.


But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the Spirit. Fasten your hearts to the love of God and receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gives us eternal life. – Jude 20-21 (TPT)


The principle of readiness and preparation is vividly illustrated in the familiar parable of the ten bridesmaids who went out to wait for the imminent arrival of the bridegroom, taking their lamps with them.


But only five of them were fully prepared for the wait. They wisely filled their lamps with oil, and brought enough extra to last the night. The other five foolishly neglected to do the same. The unprepared ones begged the others to share their oil with them, but they were told there would not be enough for them as well, so they had to go off in search of more oil.


“But while they were gone, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked. Later, when the other five returned, they stood outside, calling, ‘Sir, open the door for us!’ But he called back, ‘Go away! It is too late!’


“So stay awake and be prepared, for you do not know the date or moment of my return.”  – Matthew 25:1-13


In these days of global shaking and sifting, our preparation for the imminent arrival of our Bridegroom should be our top priority. Our “lamps”— our hearts – must be filled and fueled with a constant flow of the Holy Spirit. We must fasten ourselves to Jesus. From that place of protection and stability, we can abide in peace while the world around us spins and shifts wildly.


So, how do we fasten ourselves to the Lord? The first step is to realize our need to do just that. He alone  is constant, unchanging, steadfast and true. We posture ourselves before Him and lean in. We seize and hold onto the truth of His Word. And as we come into agreement with it, we join ourselves to Him. We pursue His magnificent Presence with passion and diligence. And we settle into our place of constant communion with the One who loves us, shelters us, keeps and completes us. Our task is simply to remain securely fastened.


“…when I found him whom my soul loves... I held on to him and would not let him go…” – Song of Solomon 3:4


If we search ourselves, we will find deep inside a “knowing” that our only true sanctuary – our only true satisfaction – comes from the relationship we have with Jesus. He isn’t difficult to find. His hand is extended. His invitation requires a response.


“Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.” – Song of Songs 2:13



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Jan Walker

Updated: Apr 6, 2023

The Lord took me on an interesting journey recently... reading backward through the Psalms. What seemed like an unusual assignment from Holy Spirit has actually proven to be an amazing and timely blessing.

As we continue to experience the shaking of pretty much everything in our lives, reading the Psalms, beginning at 150 and working backward has brought a fresh perspective of God's sovereignty, holiness, justice and faithfulness. His promises stand firm, even in the midst of the chaotic and uncertain times we're living in.

The other day, while reading Psalm 130 in The Passion Translation, I came upon this treasure in verse 7.

O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting,

and keep waiting on the Lord,

for he is tenderhearted, kind, and forgiving.

He has a thousand ways to set you free!

The shaking that we have endured, the trials we face on a daily basis, and the incomprehensible evil and corruption that surrounds us threatens to unravel everything we know to be right and true. Still, as the psalmist says, keep hoping, keep trusting, keep waiting on the Lord; the One who walks with us through fire, the One who calms the storm, the One who never fails.

Regardless of what you see on the evening news, His mercies are new every morning. Confronted by His truth, worry, fear and anxiety lose their grip. His compassionate love breaks the chains that kept you bound. You can trust Him.

He has a thousand ways to set you free.

Lord, You are our great defender, our hope and our shield. You are are healer, our provider, our Father and our friend. When the world around us seems out of control, You are our Prince of Peace. You are the answer to all our questions and our tower of strength. In this season of shaking, You are our steady ground, and our firm foundation. You are our Keeper. Thank You, Lord, for freedom -- and for victory. In Your Presence, there is fullness of joy.

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